Top 5 Shopify Themes For Clothing Stores

Top 5 Shopify Themes For Clothing Stores

What's up! Christian here and today I want to share with you the top five themes to use if you are a clothing store and I'm going to show you at the end of this blog how to get the theme, use it and customize it for free before even purchasing anything. Let's get started. 

As always, I just want to preface these theme suggestions. These are just our opinions of some of the themes that we've used within Shopify and again, we try to stick with themes that Shopify provides in their store. They usually tend to have the best support and the best organization and structure. We try to stay away from which is I mean, there could be nothing wrong with them, but we just haven't had the best experience with those type of things. 

First Theme Up To Bat: Warehouse

Starting out at number one is Warehouse. 

Now, Warehouse is designed to be for large catalogs of products. So if your store has a lot of different products, maybe you have shirts, dresses, pants, hats, jewelry, a little bit of everything, then Warehouse is going to be really good for you. I'm going to jump in and kind of show you an example, or preview, of one of the theme styles for Warehouse. 

large catalogs

So this one has, again, an emphasis on the large catalog. So as you can see, one of the main things here is a search bar where you can actually highlight different categories and search within those categories. 


So besides the search and the nice navigation it has the blog, the account, the cart, etc. 


Then on the home page, we also have a good breakdown of different categories. So there's different categories. It could be anything from accessories to running shoes to actually phone cases. So a large, wide variety of products. I love that. 

I really, really like this one in particular, what they call the different color options for the products. So it shows you right there from within the product collection where the shoe in particular could be different colors  and also shows you the reviews. And it also has the option to show you how many units are in stock. So again, we're talking about a large inventory of products. It might be good to showcase how many you have in stock. 

different color options

Also, like the option that it shows you add to cart if it's just one one bearing or if it has different colors, maybe different sizes and things like that, then the button changes to say choose options. 

add to cart

So when you click on Choose Options, it actually takes you to the product page where you have just more information about the product. 

Choose Options

I love this zoom feature. You see this on Amazon. So again, this theme reminds me very much of Amazon and again, a large inventory theme. 

Then this one also has integrated customer reviews. So you do not have to add any additional app to get customer reviews on the theme. 


Some of the other themes that I'm going to talk to you about today have what are called sections right within the product page. This one doesn't have too much. It does have the description, features, reviews, and then it jumps to the you may also like, sort of product suggestions and then just a simple category breakdown at the bottom.


write a review


may also like


Some of the other themes that I'm going to be talking about today use what is called product sections. So the same products that you'll see on the home page they’ll also use on the product page. 

So, again, large category products or catalog products, definitely want to check out Warehouse and play around with the different theme styles because it will give you a better idea if maybe yours is not necessarily this sort of adventure style type store. So with different theme styles, if you click on the breakdown, it will give you just a different look and feel for that particular theme. 

other themes

So if we click on this other one, it completely changes the vibe. It changes the color, changes the imagery and it may give you a better idea on whether or not this is going to be a good theme for you. 

good theme

Let Me Introduce Myself

Before we move on to number two, I just want to say welcome to everyone new. My name is Christian Piñon, one of the co-founders here at BitBranding. 

We've been helping frustrated store owners since 2015 become impactful store owners through tutorials, tactics and strategies. Now, if you want to support our channel, the best way you can do that is by heading over to our YouTube Channel and hitting that subscribe button and turning on notifications. 

And The Award For Theme 2 Goes To: Spark

So number two is Spark. 


This one is a pretty newish theme to the store and is a highly versatile theme for high impact sales and its super easy to use. I love, love, love the clean and sort of futuristic look to it. It doesn't look necessarily like any other store out there.

newish theme

It has big, bold letters, big buttons and reviews. 

It has big, bold letters, big buttons and reviews.

So I would say this is probably for a smaller inventory stock and I really, really like just the overall look of it. It is just clean, it's bold and it looks very modern compared to some of the other ones out there. Now, let's go to a specific category to look at it, let's go to mens. So this one in particular is just showing you sunglasses. So, again, big blocks, changes the picture whenever you hover over certain items. 


Now let's go to one of the products. I believe this theme in particular has what I was talking about earlier, which is the sections within the product page. So if you want an opportunity to talk a little bit more about your company or the products, then this theme is for you. 


Something that I really like about this is because it has those sections and it may make this product page a little bit longer of a scroll, that when you start scrolling, at the bottom, it still has the buy now button and what product you're in and the pricing. So it gives you a little bit of information along with the buy now button and it just follows you everywhere as you're scrolling down, which is pretty cool. 

little bit of information

You have customer reviews already baked in here as well. And then you have the highlights or features of your company. This one has free shipping, no hassle returns, gift cards, etc. 

highlights or features

So it's just, again, a little bit more sections to the product page in order to get customers to purchase your product. 

Another thing that I like about this theme and some of the newer themes that are coming out to the Shopify app theme store is the ability to create custom pages that actually have sections as well. So the About Page also has sections. It has this photo grid in here. And then this was a pretty simple one. Right. And then it has a little paragraph and then it has frequently asked questions with the accordion integrated in there. So in order for you to be able to do this particular type of about page, you can actually create it within the customize where you have sections right within the about page. A lot of the older themes don't support this. 


Also, something that I really like about these newer themes is they support the new Shopify product media. So now you can actually put images, as well as videos, right to your products. Now, not all themes out there support the actual video aspect of it. This one in particular, it does. And a lot of the newer ones, they do support the video. They do have it as part of their list of the features.

Stay Tuned!

Don't forget, at the end of the blog I'm going to show you how to install these for free, customize them for free and make sure that they have all the features that you actually want for free before paying anything. So stick around for that.

Stay Tuned

Theme Tres: Impulse

Number three is Impulse. 


We've actually talked about Impulse in some of our past videos, and we've used this theme for quite a few of our customers. 

I would say the number one feature that this theme has overall is promotions and discounts and promoting different things throughout the site. I haven't seen any other theme that does this or does it as well, or as often as this Impulse theme. As well as having these 

site wide promotions, it's also a very clean, modern website and it can support a larger inventory catalog depending on the products. 

modern website

So just to show you a little bit of that right here on the home page, we have this up to 50% off select dresses, up to 25% off summer tops. You can see it has that line work in there with the pictures in the background. And then it has a different font sizes in here. All of that you can actually manipulate in the back end when customizing it. 

home page

When you go into, for example, let's go to the product here. We have the banner then this one also supports the sections that I was talking about in the Spark theme. So, for example, this one has the reviews then it has a locally crafted, made in California. It has a perfectly tailored section, lightweight fabric and then also products that you may like. 

customer reviews

also like

Now let's go to some of the promotions that I was talking about. Summer savings, save an additional 10% off all clearance items, Shop Now. So that particular section right there on the collection page is something that is integrated within the theme, which is really, really nice. 

Summer savings

It also has a really good filtering and navigation. So you see on the left hand side it has that drawer where you can select my color and sleeve length, et cetera. 

select my color

The cool thing about these color swatches is that it supports all the CSS colors. So you can also customize them. So if you have a product that, for example, is camo, you can actually upload an image for about 4x4 or 10x10 image of camo pattern. And you can add it as a color right in your store. So it doesn't only support the CSS colors, but you can also add additional colors to the color palette and the color swatches all throughout the site, which is really nice. 

It also shows you just like the other theme, the Warehouse one, that shows you if it has different colors right there within the collection list page, you can see different colors for the product, which helps you sell more items.

different colors

I love the quick view as well. Anytime there's a quick view, I like those because you can just click on it. It just shows you a quick preview of the actual product page. So that doesn't show you all the extra stuff, all the extra sections that we just saw. But it just shows you the size, pricing, product description, different images. And that way customers are able to just shop a little bit easier. 

quick view

Right there you have it. So, Impulse, again, if you're running promotions and you want to sort of be able to promote different things on different pages, home page, collection page, product pages, etc,  then this theme is really, really good for interweaving those promotions all throughout the site. 

I do want to mention real quick, we do have another video where I go over just like some of the top five themes overall, not necessarily for clothing, but that you need to check out. So there's a few different themes in there so you can check out this video right here.

top 5 shopify themes

May the 4th Theme Be With You: Artisan

Number four is Artisan. 


Artisan used to be in the theme store, but it went away. However, it has now come back. So the thing about this particular theme is that it started as more of a service based, you know, for service based businesses, but it works for both services and products. So if you're a clothing store that offers, maybe a styling session or something like that. Right. Maybe you do a Zoom styling session where you consult with the customer on what to wear. You can actually add these within this particular theme. 

artisan theme

So you have services here at the top. But on the home page, I'm going to show you this particular section that is pretty cool because it shows you what they call the style service bundle. So you have a wardrobe review, style revamp, VIP image overhaul. 

home page

So it gives you an opportunity to talk about those things within the home page with this section breaking down those services. Again, just very similar to a normal product page. You just have a description again, customer reviews and other products that you may like. It's pretty simple, doesn't have the additional sections and just an opportunity for you to provide other things than just the products. 

home page with this section breaking down

Now, the cool thing about it is that it also has the shop or the product section. So you can do dresses, for example, and it shows you all the products in here.

product section

It’s pretty clean overall. What I like about this theme is that it is made Out Of The Sandbox. They are awesome at creating these themes. So they're going to be very clean, very fast websites. 

Something else in here is that they also include your more advanced pages. So like FAQ, for example, is included where it has the accordion here and you can click on them and they expand. So this is built in already within these pages. 

FAQ expand

Same with Our Story, where you can have a more customized about page or our story page without having to just have the simple text and maybe a couple images. This actually has sections within this about page so that you can do just a little bit more and tell a better story. 

our story

Then something else about this Artisan is that you can create look books or more like product galleries. 


So under the Lookbook, click on Casual. You'll see here that you just have more of an image gallery. So some of the pictures are bigger, smaller. So just like a nice little collage, Pinterest style gallery of product images and things that may be coming to your store soon. 

Casual lookbooks

Gimme 5 For Theme 5: Turbo

Number five is Turbo. So along with the speed and performance power, Turbo is packed with high demand features. They have product sliders, mega menus, interactive mini cart, and infinite scrolling. They have a bunch of stuff I'm going to show you an example here. Portland is one of the ones that they have. It is actually also made by Out Of The Sandbox. Now, this theme you will not find inside of the Shopify theme store. This is actually outside. So you'll have to go to to go check it out. 


This theme is super popular because it's super fast, right? And again, it has a bunch of different features that you would really want on your store. Now, besides being super fast, they also have, I think, two options to make it ridiculously fast, I think it is like Ludicrus, very similar to the Tesla Ludicrus mode where it makes a car super fast.

It also has live search and smart search. The smart search basically changes the results, so it gives you a few results right there as you're starting to type. So depending on what you have in your store, it will actually show you some results in here, which is pretty cool. 

few results

Like I said, mega menus. If I click expand on shop, you'll see the mega menu with actual images where they're actually linked. 

mega menus

So if, for example, this one has Meet our Lovely Team as part of the shop, which probably doesn't make sense. You may want to use those images for promotions or different things like that. 

Then let's go into some of these galleries again, left hand side sidebar filtering and navigation with, again, customized. 


This is what I was talking about earlier. You see the specific print, for example, the sangria or the bar lattice. It does not have a specific color. It's actually an image or pattern. So you're able to customize those. So you are actually better at showcasing the material color. Right. And for people to just click on not just like a blue, it's actually more of a print that they're looking for. I know the cheetah print and all that kind of stuff is pretty popular right now. So that would definitely help your customers find those products. 

material color


As we promised here at the end, now I'm going to show you how to install one of these themes and customize it and not have to pay anything and actually see, you know, what these things can actually do for us before we purchase. 


I'm currently signed in under my Lil’ Bits Treats account and I am going to click the online store and we're inside of themes. 

Lil’ Bits Treats

You see, we have Venture installed right here. 

Venture installed right here

I'm going to go and click on visit the theme store and I'm going to search for Spark, the second one that we talked about today. When you click on it, you can click on Try Theme. 

theme store

try theme

All right. So after you click on that button, it will actually load up the theme. And you can kind of see what it can do because you have all these sections, but they're just blank right now. They have placeholder images, placeholder text. So it's not exactly your store. So you can't necessarily visualize what your store will look like because it just doesn't have a lot of context to it. It just shows you all the sections that they have, which is nice. 


image with text

as features in

You can scroll kind of look around, but I would highly suggest clicking on the customizer theme button. 

clicking on the customizer theme button

Once you do that, this will actually open up the Shopify Editor, so you're able to literally build out this store completely how you would want it while still using a trial version. 

Shopify Editor 

So you see on the top left hand corner, it still says trial. 


But actually I'm able to add images to the slideshow. For example, I can go to slide show, Select Image, this one. So you see, now I have a better understanding of how this particular theme is going to look for my store. 


And you can actually see the nitty gritty options. Right. And features and sections within this theme, because the theme trial shows you a glimpse of it. And then when you install it again, it shows you a glimpse of it. 

But you're not sure if the theme supports the fact that this text needs to be on the left hand side, for example. So in order to change that, you have to actually go in and try to customize it in order to see if that text alignment is possible. So in this case, it is. I can do a little left. 

nitty gritty options

So this is what I would highly recommend for everyone to do before you buy any type of theme, install it and then customize it, fully customize it to make sure that it has all the right features for you. And after you've done with it, click save. 

click save

Something else that you can do here is if you're still working on it, you don't have to publish this. This still keeps the saved in here. You can actually do a preview. 


You can actually share this with other people as you're working with it. It’ll say in here share preview where you can share this to other people so they can actually see your store while you're building it so you can get some feedback on it, etc.. 

here share preview

Now, the cool thing about it is that, yeah, you're spending a lot of time customizing something that you might not use, essentially. But the good thing about it is that if you do end up purchasing this and you end up publishing this, everything that you worked on so far gets saved. Right. So if you think that, you know, this can be the one you've already worked on, all you have to do is pay for it and then publish it and you'll have your store already built. 

That’s all we have for today. If you want to watch the How To video for this topic, you can find it here. Leave a comment on the video if you have any questions about any of the themes that we talked about or you want to learn more about how to grow your clothing brand through Shopify and Facebook. 


Also, if you stuck around this long, you're probably someone who wants to know the keys to eCommerce growth and success in the long term. Since I know that's probably you, otherwise you clicked away, then you need to check out our free training on the five pillars that must be in place in order for you to grow your store consistently and for a very long time. Check out the video description. There's a link there. Click on it will help you a lot. 

All right, guys, thank you so much for reading. Again, I want to hear from you. Leave a comment on the video. Like the video, subscribe to our channel if you find anything of value in this blog or maybe our future YouTube videos. You'll see all of our other future videos. We'll appreciate that. 

Thank you so much. We'll see you in the next one. 

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