How to Use TikTok to Promote Your Business

How to Use TikTok to Promote Your Business

If you are active in the world of social media, there is no doubt you have already encountered TikTok. It is one of the hottest apps on iOS and Android. 

There are over 500 million active TikTok users across the globe. Most of these users primarily subscribe to create and share short videos. 

Over 150 different global markets carry TikTok. Moreover, the app is available in 75 different languages. 

Did you know that you can use TikTok to promote your budding business? 

Let us show you how to use TikTok to take your brand to the next level. Continue reading below and get to know the app that is making noise in the social media world.

The Lowdown Using TikTok

As we mentioned earlier, TikTok is a surging platform people use to create and share videos. You can somewhat compare it to the now-defunct Vine that ended in 2017. This time around, you also get a little bit of the Instagram and Twitter vibe.

The videos are short, lasting only up to 15 seconds long. There is also an option where you can post a 60-second video.

Before TikTok became what it is today, it started as a music-related platform called Tracing its roots in China back in 2016, the app evolved into something more dynamic.

Today, it caters to users who wish to post and share different types of videos. 

Interestingly, around 41% of its users belong to the 16 to 24-year age bracket. This is a trend that points toward the younger generation of social media users. 

With its nature of featuring short videos, budding artists and performers from different genres found a home to showcase their talents. Furthermore, some people post videos of them using the products they patronize. 

This makes them instant influencers and endorsers in their own right.

What is the relevance of these numbers? How can they help you promote your brand? Allow us to guide you on how to use TikTok to grow your business.

How to Use TikTok

One of the most effective ways of using TikTok to promote your business is through advertising. Sure, you can use media platforms like Facebook to market your products, but why stop there? 

Considering that social media is one of the five keys to successful online marketing, you should expand your strategies to other platforms.

If your target market is the younger generation, there is no reason for you not to use TikTok. You need to explore the different tools TikTok is offering. Let’s go deeper into the different ways you can advertise on the platform.

1. Hashtag Challenge Ads

When spreading the word of your new product, it is always best to go the organic route. One of the best ways of doing so is through hashtag challenges. This involves encouraging your TikTok followers to use specific hashtags that they will include when creating their content.

TikTok users love challenges. Incorporating hashtags in their posts can potentially make their videos go viral.

One excellent example of a hashtag challenge is Jimmy Fallon’s #tumbleweedchallenge. Fallon challenged TikTok users to upload videos of themselves rolling like a tumbleweed on the ground.

The challenge turned into a huge success. It received over 8,000 submissions and generated over 10.4 million engagements. 

A hashtag challenge is also a fantastic option if you do not have the time to make your content. Also, you can turn it into a mini-contest. The winner for the best content gets your latest product.

Another way of launching a successful hashtag challenge is to tap some influencers. This was what Dreamworks did when they launched the #SpiritRidingFree campaign. 

The movie company teamed up with Digital Media Management to create buzz for their “Spirit Riding Free” Netflix series. They asked users to share videos of them dancing to the tune of the show’s theme song.

To make the campaign more effective, they used a little bit of assistance from a couple of influencers. The campaign resulted in 2.6 million engagements and generated over 4.3 million video views.

2. Brand Takeover Ads

Another option is the brand takeover ads. This is a more centric type of TikTok advertising wherein your brand can sponsor a select category. Here, TikTok will feature your brand’s logo and content with notable prominence.

The caveat, however, is that TikTok will do so for only a fixed period. Moreover, the social media platform can also insert its gifs and images to brand the category. 

In turn, your ad appears every time a TikTok user opens his app. This allows you to direct users to an external or internal destination. You can embed links that connect to your official website.

You can connect them to landing pages, as well as your ongoing hashtag challenges. Take note that the brand takeover ads are category exclusives, so only one particular brand can use them exclusively for a particular day.

Back in January, food delivery provider GrubHub used the brand takeover ad. TikTok, at that time, was only starting to test ads discreetly.

When it comes to the appearance of the ads, you have the option to go for a static or animated one. Also, the full-screen takeover ads only last about five seconds. 

The good thing about brand takeover ads is that you can measure their efficacy through the click-through rate (CTR) and impressions.

3. In-Feed Native Ads

The in-feed native ads format is very much similar to an Instagram story. This ad comes in full-screen and users can skip them if they wish. The video, however, should have a length of 9 to 15 seconds. 

As for its features, it allows you to add links to your website. You can also include “order now” buttons on the video. The buttons will direct the users to the page where they can order your product. 

Furthermore, in-feed native ads also support features like app downloads. 

Like the brand takeover ads, you can also measure the impact and success of in-feed native ads. Simply monitor the CTR, views, engagements, impressions, and tracking clicks.

4. Branded Lenses

Last but not least are the branded lenses. This advertising option is similar to the 2D and 3D lenses that Snapchat has. The lenses promote user engagement by bringing 3D objects and face filters to the users.

Unlike the brand takeover ads that only last for a day, branded lenses stay much longer. They can live on TikTok for as many as 10 days. 

Your videos can rank on the top hot or trending tab for the first five days. For the next five days, they can rank anywhere between the 6th to 10th spots.

The great thing about these branded lenses is the interactive experience they bring. The lenses encourage users to be playful, and the immersive format fosters a stronger connection between the brands and the users.

Content: Make It Fun and Creative

Like other forms of online marketing strategies, content is king on TikTok. The content may come from consumers. Studies reveal that consumer-generated content helps drive online sales.

If you are creating your content, make sure it is fun and creative. Take note that TikTok differs from Instagram when it comes to the essence of the content. TikTok frowns upon high-quality content.

Users prefer something more raw and authentic. They want content that represents what you feel at the moment you publish a short video. They want you to express yourself at your most comfortable and non-pretentious state.

The key to generating dynamic engagement lies in understanding your brand. You need to stay true to the values, identity, and culture of your company. Doing so allows you to come out with genuine content.

In today’s world where it’s easy to fabricate things, consumers crave for something authentic. They want something they can relate to and connect with.

Avoid being too formal. Let your guard down a bit and allow your creative juices to flow. 

For example, if your product is about pet care, present the item with an adorable puppy by your side. Your goal is to create content that will go viral.

Additionally, you need to practice consistency. This means consistently uploading new content. You want your users to not only follow you but to want more content from you.

Explore Influencer Marketing

Earlier, we mentioned tapping influencers. This is a good move if you are working on a tight budget. Instead of using TikTok’s paid content features, you can team up with an influencer who has lots of followers.

If you are wondering where to find the right influencers, start by looking at your followers. Find an influencer among your followers and send them a message. Tell them that you appreciate them liking and sharing your posts.

Then talk about the opportunity to work with them. Tell them that you wish to partner with them on a sponsored content. Find someone who is already making it big in your niche. 

You should also check the followers of your competitors. This is an excellent way of finding potential partners who are likely to appreciate what you are offering.

In line with the essence of your content, you want to find an influencer who is authentic. You don’t want to pair with someone who is solely out for the money.

Also, you should allow the influencers to create videos the way they want to. Do not meddle too much when it comes to their creative process. You need to learn how to trust your influencers.

Since TikTok is a free-flowing platform, you want your influencers to remain faithful to their creativity. Even if their videos look amateurish, let them have their way.

Keep in mind that their style in making videos is one of the reasons why they have a solid following.

Trends to Follow

If you are wondering what types of content make the most in terms of engagements, it is always safe to look at the TikTok trends. First, there is lip-syncing. This is quite popular in the app and is easy to pull off. 

Another is the duet where users can sing along with the song’s original video. Duets will prompt a split-screen showing the user singing simultaneously with the original performer.

You can also use images of cute animals. If you want something that will “wow” the users, you can also do some stop motion videos. 

Moreover, you can focus on your transitions. This involves editing skills that easily capture users’ attention. You can also use the app’s different effects and facial filters.

Posting dance videos is always in style. You can go for trendy dance videos or nostalgic dance videos while showcasing your new products.

Whatever trend you wish to follow, make sure that your content is sharable. This means coming up with catchy content. 

Looking Ahead

Though Facebook and Instagram are still leading TikTok in terms of users, the gap is getting smaller. Earlier this year, TikTok passed the 1 billion-mark for global installs. This represents both the Google Play and App Store numbers.

Observers also believe that the platform will continue to grow as the year draws to a close. Businesses, especially smaller ones, should ride the momentum. Ride the TikTok train as you take your brand to the next level.

Let’s Take Your Brand to the Next Frontier

Now that you know how to use TikTok, start reorganizing your marketing strategies but don’t rush yourself. Take your time as you go through the entire process.

As for the other aspects of your business, we can give you a helping hand. We offer comprehensive services such as video production, website design, and graphic design.

We can also help out in your social media marketing and reputation management. Send us a message and let us know what you need. You can also request a quote so we can start working on your project.

Let’s take your brand to the next level today!

Still have questions? 

We created a video awhile back that has gotten quite a bit of traction about TikTok, you can watch it here!

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