Engage Your Audience: The Incredible Benefits of Interactive Web Design

Engage Your Audience: The Incredible Benefits of Interactive Web Design

According to Internet Live Stats, there are currently over 4,227,746,000 Internet users across the world.

Even with that huge audience of potential customers online, your website can fail to engage and excite customers. This will lead visitors to drop off your website, which will cause your search engine results ranking (SERPs) on Google or Bing to drop, too.

With interactive web design, you can engage visitors with your website content.

This will keep them on the page longer and boost your click-through-rate. That way, your SERPs ranking will raise through the roof!

Let's get interactive with these 11 benefits of creating an interactive website!

1. This Time It's Personal

Your current website data can tell you a lot about your website visitors. Where are the hot spots on the page—the areas where visitors click around the most?

Measuring these interactions can help you further personalize your website with interactive elements. By using these creative elements, you can draw the eyes to specific points of the page.

That way, you can encourage interaction toward elements that are convenient for visitors, making it easier for them to find what they're looking for.

These elements include:

  • Clickable items such as call-to-action buttons, link, light boxes, and accordions
  • Social share buttons
  • Sign-up forms
  • Slideshows
  • Chats
  • Comment boxes
  • Quizzes
  • Search functions
  • Embedded videos
  • Maps

Using data to personalize your website content shows visitors you're there to help. It also helps them recognize your website as a relevant, informative resource.

That way, you're providing them easy access to what they need, when they need it.

Otherwise, visitors are more likely to leave without exploring your website, which causes your ranking to take a hit.

2. Customer Connections

According to Forbes, 79 percent of marketers say adding interactive website elements boosts repeat visitors and improves messaging.

This improved messaging makes it easier for you to connect with customers. Interactive elements show website visitors you're reliable and ready to help.

This means an interactive website can leverage human psychology by creating an emotional connection with customers. Companies can use that emotional connection to encourage action on the page.

This also encourages customers to return to your website, which builds brand loyalty and trust.

That way, you have repeat customers who trust your company and keep coming back for more!

3. Boost Up Branding

As your interactive website starts building these emotional connections with customers, you're also giving your brand a boost.

Customers want a brand that's familiar and dependable. This inspires repeat purchases and brand loyalty. That way, customers won't leave to check out your competitors.

As a result, your company becomes the go-to for the product or service they need.

You can use interactive elements on your website to show off your brand. Using familiar language, imagery, and colors will develop brand consistency across your website.

Search engine optimization (SEO) allows you to boost your brand as well. As website visitors see your company on SERPs more often, they'll begin to recognize your company on sight. This increases brand awareness and encourages customers to trust in the familiarity of your brand.

With this beginner's guide to all things SEO, you can boost your website to the top of search engine results rankings.

That way, you're reaching out to more customers, boosting your brand, and banking on even more sales!

4. Tap into Trust

With increased brand loyalty, you're also able to build brand trust with your customers.

Interactive web design helps build this trust. Providing website visitors with easy-to-use, interactive elements can help them realize your company's value as a dependable resource.

You can also use interactive elements such as download buttons and internal links to point visitors towards these resources.

The less they have to search around, the more you can improve user experience. That way, visitors will trust your brand has the information they need—and makes that information easy to find.

Once customers trust your brand, you can use that trust to influence their buying decisions.

5. Make It Fun

It's not enough just to plop these elements onto an interactive web page. One of the most obvious benefits of interactive web design is how much you can do with it.

A professional web designer can use interactive elements to make your website more engaging—and more fun, too.

This is especially beneficial for industries that are a little on the bland side. If you find it difficult to engage customers in factual or dry content, interactive web design can add a little energy to the page.

That way, you're not only keeping them engaged but helping website visitors learn about your company in a memorable, interesting way. This can improve brand awareness and recall, too.

With these top 2019 website trends, you can offer customers a website that's interactive, engaging, and just plain awesome!

6. Sharing is Caring

Once website visitors see your fun, engaging content, they might want to share what they learned with their own audience.

Interactive websites are designed to boost social sharing. For example, visitors can highlight a line of text from a blog, then post that quote directly to Twitter.

Social sharing buttons at the top of website pages or blog posts also make it easier for visitors to share your content.

Offering website visitors the ability to share your content also expands your reach. That way, you're displaying your content to their followers, who will then visit your website to learn more.

As a result, social sharing allows you to reach out to new potential customers, expanding brand awareness and boosting sales.

7. Back to Back Backlinks

Search engine optimization relies on keyword research, relevant information, and unique website content. To show Google and other search engines your content is relevant and informative, it helps to add backlinks to your content.

Backlinks are links on the page that send visitors to other websites.

Google considers backlinks as a factor when it determines your website's page ranking. This shows Google your website is a credible resource.

Make sure your backlinks stand out on the page. That way, the interactive element stands out, too. This makes it easier for visitors to find the content.

Using internal links—or links that send visitors to other pages on your website—also improves your search engine ranking. These links encourage visitors to explore relevant content across your website.

In addition to helping visitors navigate around, this also improves your click-through-rate. A higher click-through-rate and lower bounce rate improve your search engine ranking.

With a higher position in SERPs, you can reach more potential customers.

A higher ranking also shows searchers you're a knowledgable resource within your industry. That way, you're standing out from competitors and showing customers you know what's up.

8. Kick Up Conversions

Remember, an interactive website engages visitors and encourages action.

Using interactive web design, you can steer visitors toward a specific call-to-action. This allows you to strategically boost sales and lead visitors through the sales funnel.

One way to kick up conversions is to gamify your website content. Encourage visitors to comment by rewarding them each time they share a blog post or post a comment. This will increase engagement and get visitors excited to view your content, too.

Leaderboards are another effective gamification tool. Add a leaderboard that displays the top commenters on your website.

This will encourage more visitors to comment. It also inspires people to return to your website to maintain their score.

As more people click around your website, you're again improving your click-through-rate.

Google will take notice of these interactions and reward you with a higher ranking.

As you increase interactions on your website, you can also encourage more visitors to turn into leads. For example, you can offer exclusive deals and offers—if visitors provide their email to receive the deal.

Once your email list grows, you can use a drip campaign to remind previous website visitors about your company's products. This is an opportunity to inform people of your company's value and rekindle their previous interest.

Interactive web design gives you a number of ways to provide visitors with multiple opportunities to convert.

As a result, you're increasing conversions, gaining new leads, and earning the chance to turn those leads into paying customers!

9. Keep it Competitive

As consumers, we're always looking for the "next big thing." An exciting, branded, engaging website can capture our attention and keep us on the page.

Meanwhile, an outdated website won't spark excitement with potential customers. Instead, they'll disappear—and head straight towards your competitors.

If your competitors aren't offering interactive elements on their websites, you're in luck. An interactive web page can help you position yourself ahead of the competition. That way, customer see you as the next best thing.

With interactive web design, you can show customers you're relevant and in the know. That way, they choose you before anyone else.

10. Google Loves It

We've mentioned a few ways interactive web design can improve your SEO ranking on search engines like Google.

Google prioritizes offering searchers with credible, relevant, helpful resources. Since an interactive website is designed with user experience in mind, Google rewards interactive sites with higher rankings.

Remember, Google also keeps an eye out for:

  • Higher click-through-rates (when visitors click around your website)
  • Lower bounce rates (when visitors leave without clicking around)
  • Increased dwell time (when visitors stay on your site longer)
  • Increased social shares (when visitors share your content on social media)

These on-page actions can help improve your ranking, so your website displays higher on Google. A higher ranking doesn't just put you on top. It also puts you ahead of competitors.

That way, searchers are more likely to click on your website before going to someone else.

According to this report, 77 percent of agencies believe poor website user experience is a significant weakness in website design.

With an interactive web page, you can prioritize user experience—so Google prioritizes you, too!

Here's everything you need to know about improving your website's user experience. Since Google is all about providing their searchers with quality websites, these changes can give your SEO ranking a major boost!

11. Cash in on Commitment

According to Adobe, 38 percent of website users will stop engaging with a website if they find the design unattractive.

An interactive website design, on the other hand, pulls website visitors in. This can not only encourage engagement but also keep them committed to exploring the page.

Google takes notice of how long a website visitor remains on your website. When visitors click around and explore, it also improves your click-through-rate. As your bounce rate drops, Google will consider your website a relevant resource for website visitors.

Time Commitment

People don't want to waste time. If it takes forever for someone to find what they're looking for, they'll leave—and head straight to a competitor website.

An interactive website, on the other hand, encourages visitors to take action. Compelling language and convenience can draw people in.

This sparks an emotional response with visitors, which we discussed earlier. Try to get customers to laugh or make them curious. This will drive them to interact on the page.

Once people start engaging with your website, they're also investing time with your company.

Instead of wasting their time by heading elsewhere, they'll stick around. That way, you can eventually motivate them to take action. This can include buying from your store, filling out a form, or subscribing to your newsletter.

If you can engage website visitors on your website, you can also lead them to commit their time, energy, and money to your company as well.

Let's Get Interactive: 11 Benefits of Interactive Web Design

With these 11 benefits of interactive web design, you can spark engagement and excitement with your website visitors.

That way, they stick around, explore a bit, and eventually make a purchase or convert on your website. With these interactive website tips, you can help your website reach the top of the page on SERPs, too!

As a result, even more customers will find your business—and stick around for the long run.

Check out our blog for more awesome website development, marketing, and branding tips and tricks!

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