Statistics show that there were around 2.14 billion people shopping online in 2020. Statistics from 2022 also show that 75% of consumers shop online at least once a month.

E-commerce website design is extremely important for any clothing boutique. A large number of your potential customers are going to be searching for products like yours online.

If you do not have a good website design, you could be missing out on thousands of potential sales. It isn’t just important to have a business website, it has to be a high-quality website.

Keep reading to find useful tips on creating an e-commerce website design.

Make It Mobile-Friendly

Possibly the most important aspect of your web design is making it mobile-friendly. The majority of online shoppers are going to be scrolling through their options on their phones.

Many traditional websites are not designed to be mobile-friendly but are designed for desktops. This can create technical issues if someone goes to your website on their phone.

The website may not be the right size, or it may even start to glitch out. These issues can it cost you a lot since customers won’t stick around for long if the site isn’t working.

There are plenty of mobile-friendly templates that you can use for your e-commerce web design. These work on desktop screens and phone screens without experiencing any issues.

Rely on Images

Something that many boutiques underestimate is the power of images. Your e-commerce website should feature the best images of the products that you are selling.

buyers are usually convinced to make a purchase for visual reasons. Especially when it comes to clothing, a potential customer isn’t going to hit that button if they can’t see the product.

You don’t just want to have any kind of photos, they need to be high-quality. These photos are the first impression of your products, and you want them to impress.

You should have plenty of high-quality images throughout your entire website. Several images should be available when looking at specific products as well as the general pages on your website.

Keep the Layout Simple

A common mistake that e-commerce businesses make is having a complicated website. E-commerce websites should be as simple to navigate and understand as possible.

If your website is overly complicated, customers may leave to find a simpler site. The different areas of your website should be easy to find and click on for easy navigation.

This would include pages like your homepage, about page, service page, portfolio, and contact page. You can also add different categories for the products that you sell.

If the potential customer is able to find what they are looking for, they are more likely to make a purchase. The overall design of your website should also be eye pleasing but minimal.

Keep your colors brand oriented and go for bright and light colors that attract attention. You don’t need to add very many bells and whistles as long as it looks professional.

Choose a Responsive Website

Your e-commerce web design should also be incredibly responsive. One issue that many shoppers have is websites that take too long to load, which causes them to leave.

You could be missing out on hundreds of potential sales if your customers are getting impatient. Your website needs to be responsive and fast loading to keep your customers on the page.

Different platforms and different templates can affect how fast your website is. This can also be affected by the device that is being used to access your website.

That is why you should invest in a platform and template that are high performing and respond within seconds.

Quality Over Quantity

You may think that adding a lot of details to your website is the answer, but this can be a mistake. You should keep the idea of quality over quantity when creating this platform.

Most people are coming to your website to look at your products and see if they are interested. You should keep any text very minimal and put your products at the forefront of your site.

A company like BitBranding can help you to achieve this as it offers e-commerce website design. If you are struggling to make your website professional, this could be a great option for you.

Use a Small Pop-Up

Having a pop-up for your website is a great option to encourage potential customers. These pop-ups can be used for various things, such as your mailing list, to subscribe, or to receive a deal.

You will need to be very careful when using pop-ups in your e-commerce website design. The pop-up should be small and not take over the entire screen, even if the person is on their phone.

It should also be easy to get out of if the person does not want to sign up for anything. One huge reason why potential customers leave websites is due to annoying pop-ups.

You don’t want it to take over the page and make it impossible to continue shopping. If this is something you are worried about, you could even choose other options besides pop-ups.

E-Commerce Website Design Tips

If you are creating an e-commerce website design, you may not know where to start. This process can feel overwhelming as there is so much that needs to be done.

Do you want to help building a website design for a clothing boutique? Contact us today at BitBranding to schedule a call with one of our experts.

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