5 Secrets to Running Successful Facebook Ads for eCommerce

5 Secrets to Running Successful Facebook Ads for eCommerce

Over 2.41 billion people are active on Facebook every month. In fact, Americans spend about one of every five minutes on mobile using either Facebook or Instagram. With Facebook advertising, you can reach those customers and draw them to your eCommerce store.

Not sure where to start? Here are some of the best digital marketing strategies for Facebook Ads.

With these tips, you can wow your online audience and spark their interest. Then, you can encourage them to shop 'til they drop!

Your sales will rise, as will your ROI.

Eager to get started? Give your eCommerce business a boost with these five secrets to running successful Facebook advertising campaigns!

1. Set Your Goals

Before you rush to start creating Facebook ads, take a moment to consider your goals. Neglecting to set your goals can hurt your campaigns.

You could struggle to use the right tactics to accomplish your marketing goals. You might find it's more difficult to track your progress without a goal in mind, too.

As you set your Facebook advertising goals, consider your overall marketing goals. You can also ask yourself:

  • What product/service am I promoting?
  • What concerns do my customers have?
  • Who are my customers?
  • Where are they in the buying process?
  • How can I respond to their wants/needs?

Determining your goals can help you target the right audience. Otherwise, you'll struggle to create content they care about. Your customers might not click on your ads as a result.

It can also ensure you set the right budget and bids for your campaigns. 

Facebook advertising allows you to choose goals for each campaign you create. For example, you might want to consider:

  • Brand awareness
  • Reach
  • Engagement
  • Traffic
  • App installs
  • Conversions
  • Messages
  • Video views
  • Catalog sales
  • Store visits
  • Lead generation

Once you establish your goals, set your key performance indicators (KPIs). You can track visits to your eCommerce store, online sales, or form submissions.

Once you set your goals and KPIs, you can create strong campaigns for accomplishing those goals. 

2. Know Your Target Audience

Remember, there are over 2.41 billion people on Facebook. Not everyone who uses the platform wants or needs your products, though. To create a successful Facebook advertising campaign, you need to pinpoint your audience.

If you don't understand your target audience, you'll struggle to create ads they care about. Consumers will scroll right by your ads. They'll likely focus on ads with more personalized messages instead.

Personalization can help you appeal to the customers' wants and needs. You can draw them in with language and imagery that's relevant to their preferences.

First, segment your existing target audience into smaller groups. Segmenting your audience will help you create more personalized ads. Otherwise, you could take a broad approach in your messaging.

You can use Facebook ads parameters to segment your audience based on:

  • Demographics (gender, age, etc.)
  • Location (postal code, region, city)
  • Connections
  • Interests/behaviors

You can also create custom or lookalike audiences.

Custom audiences are created based on your email subscribers or people who have visited your website. Lookalike audiences are similar to the people within your custom audiences.

When you create your campaigns, Facebook will let you know if your targeting is too broad or narrow. Shoot for in-between. Precise targeting can help you avoid blowing through your budget.

It can also ensure you generate high-quality leads. 

Create Targeted Landing Pages

Before you start creating your ads, take a look at your website. Do you have dedicated landing pages for your Facebook Ads campaigns? A dedicated landing page will keep consumers focused on the action you want them to complete.

For example, you can create different pages for different product groups, such as sweaters versus shoes. Then, you can create an ad for each product. The language and photography will better appeal to the customer's interests. 

Mobile is responsible for 94% of Facebook Ads' revenue. If you want to create successful campaigns, you need to keep your mobile audience in mind. Make sure your landing pages are mobile-optimized. 

3. Establish Your Budget

How much do you want to spend on your Facebook advertising campaigns? Consider what action you want to bid on as well. For example, you can bid every time your ads gain 1,000 impressions.

You can also pay per click.

Once you determine your bid strategy, you can optimize your bids. You don't want to pay too high or low. Paying too high will blow through your budget quickly.

Paying too low could limit how many people will see your ads.

Create an ad schedule for your campaigns. The right timing can help you optimize your campaigns for more conversions. 

4. Consider Ad Placement

Facebook advertising offers a few options for ad placement. You can choose what devices your ads appear on. You can also determine where they'll appear on Facebook, including:

  • Facebook Marketplace
  • Instagram Feed
  • Facebook News Feed
  • Facebook Video Feeds
  • Instagram Explore
  • Messenger Inbox
  • Facebook Stories
  • Instagram Stories
  • Facebook Right Column

Start by using the Facebook News Feed. Create ads that look like organic content. Otherwise, consumers might turn away from obvious advertisements.

5. Create Eye-Catching Ads

Once you have your campaigns set up, you can start creating your ads. 

First, consider your target audience. Understanding the customer's wants and needs can help you persuade them to your store. Then, write different ads for different audience groups.

For example, you can create different ads for men versus women. Maybe you want to create ads for teenagers versus adults.

Make sure your ad copy matches your visuals. Then, create a strong call-to-action (CTA). Your CTA will compel consumers to complete a specific action.

For example, maybe you want them to "Shop Now" on your eCommerce store.

Experiment with different photos, CTAs, and headlines. Focus on your unique value. Make sure your language is short, sweet, and easy to understand, too. 

Kick Up Clicks: 5 Tips for Creating Click-Worthy eCommerce Facebook Ads

Don't miss a chance to boost sales on your eCommerce store this year. Instead, use these tips for creating the best Facebook Ads. With these tips, you can boost sales and improve your ROI.

Need help growing and scaling your eCommerce store? You came to the right place!

We're here to set online store owners up for success. Schedule a strategy call with our team today to get started. 

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