I think YouTube is a platform. One of the Social Media platform that often gets overlooked by business owners. And we think that you can definitely benefit if you're a local business by using YouTube. And the number one thing here that we have is to make sure that your profile is completely filled out.

7 Tips To Grow Your Local Business With YouTube

  1. Make sure your profile is completely filled out. This is number one because it really should be a no brainer. Google owns YouTube and videos now pop up when you search on Google, so please, please make sure you fill out your profile completely.

  2. Add your website link to the description of the videos that you create. If you are a local business owner and creating content for your local area, make sure to use that name in the title. I.e. How to find a good chiropractor in Allen, Texas.

  3. Be able to consistently put out great content. In order to grow your YouTube channel you need to provide great content often. People won’t subscribe to your channel if you have a handful of videos you posted the same day a month ago.

  4. Create content your local audience will benefit from. Think about those questions that your potential local customers might be searching for and create videos to answer those.

  5. Thumbnails are a game changer. Although, it’s funny, we didn’t have a clue when we uploaded our first videos that they would make such a difference we got thousands of views on some tutorial videos we created. Overall, a thumbnail should have some kind of face on it and should take up a good ⅓ of the thumbnail.

  6. Research trends and follow trends in your industry. It’s easier to ride a wave  than it is to create your own.

  7. Get software like Tubebuddy or VidIQ, they will be able to give you insight and tips that you didn’t know was possible. I.e. Searching for keywords that are relevant, searched a ton, and not competitive.


What do you think about this episode? We’d love to hear from you! Share us your suggestions, comments or questions. And we’d love to include that on our next show.

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