4 Proven Ways A Consultant Can Increase Website Traffic


4 Proven Ways A Consultant Can Increase Website Traffic

  • Create content

This could be a blog, videos, or a podcast. But the number one way to drive actual searches is to create content people want to see.

  • SEO

Search Engine Optimization is fancy term for driving organic traffic to your website. This works really well for our previous tip on how to  increase traffic as content is a big part, but really there are a few other factors to consider. Google reviews, website load time, and backlinks (linking to another popular website)

  • Paid traffic

Please note that paid traffic, i.e. Facebook and Google ads DO work, but paid traffic only increases or magnifies what is already working. Make sure that your website is doing well already, meaning that is converting. Then you can use paid advertising to drive cheap eyeballs.

  • Influencers

Use people who have a big name in your space. Influencers have been around for, like ever, but not used to its full capacity on social for micro-influencers (Less than 10k followers) Giving your product or having an influencer talk about your service is a great way to show up on their followers radar and drive traffic to your website. The key here is to make sure you contact 20-30 micro-influencers vs putting all your eggs into one basket.


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