Hey guys! Awesome episode for you today. If you're an Auto Mechanic this is really insightful for you. We break down Three (3) Areas To Help You Boost Your Business. But also keep listening, if you are also not an Auto Mechanic because these tactics you can use to implement and grow your business as well.

We're going to talk about things that I don't think that you would think about for marketing. We get to have some different ways or different strategies to reach people.

Hope you enjoy!

Here are some key points to this episode:

  • Offer small services that make a big impact. 

a. Comfy chairs while they wait

b. Take them out to show them what is wrong with the vehicle and don’t just say what is wrong without showing them. 

c. Offer free rides back to their destination. If possible, pick-ups too. 

d. Coffee, a lot of people like coffee. But not that Folgers stuff you made 5 hours before they go there. 

e. WIFI, ‘nough said.

  • There should be a push for women - Historically women have been taken advantage of at the auto repair shops. Go above the call of duty to make them happy and feel like they know what is going on. Those women are going to talk and spread your name (good or bad) way more than any guy will.
  • Reviews and referrals - Reviews are the lifeblood of your business and especially in auto repair. We all know someone or experienced it first hand where you went in for an oil change and somehow got a new alternator, starter, and a tire rotation…. The car is 6 months old.

  • Bonus - Reminder system. Something similar to FIXD.


What do you think about this episode? We’d love to hear from you! Share us your suggestions, comments or questions. And we’d love to include that on our next show.

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Website: www.bitbranding.co

Facebook: www.facebook.com/bitbranding

Instagram: www.instagram.com/bitbranding

Hope y'all enjoyed this episode! We'll see you guys next week for another episode of The Marketing Natives!

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