When having someone design your website you want to make sure that they touch on key areas so you get the best value out of your website.
Many times designers are not marketers, which will make your website look great, but often times won’t convert.
Below we have listed out ten ideas for your website homepage content to not only appeal to your audience, but acquire more leads.
1. Menu

Create a menu featuring only the most important pages allowing visitors to quickly navigate to the sections that interest them. Only hide it behind the “hamburger” icon for small screens. Without navigation, your customers are lost.
2. Search
If your website has a lot of pages or may require searching to find a specific item, make it easier for your customers to do so. We do recommend this for sites that have a ton of pages because if the potential customer can’t find what they are looking for quickly, they will leave.
3. Headline
The most important passage on your website, the homepage headline, might appear above, below or within the hero image. Write an ultra-clear, benefit focused headline. The question to ask yourself is, “what do I want people who land on my site to know about us”.
4. Logo
Most visitors will look for a logo in the top left of your website. Surround your logo with plenty of space to allow visitors to notice it. Adding a logo to your website not only brands you, but builds credibility and trust.
5. Call-to-Action
Feature a visually prominent call-to-action (CTA) by creating a button in or below the hero image. Use active language and highlight the value that comes with clicking. What is it people should be doing when they land on your page?
6. Niche copy targeting
Make sure the copy is written for your target market. You want to make sure that you are writing for your audience. We preach this almost daily, your audience really is not everyone. Find out who your target market is and only write for them.
7. About Us
One of the most important things that people tend to forget is a quick ‘about us’ section in your homepage. Consider a photo, quote, short bio, timeline, intro passage or video.
8. Features
In addition to your benefits, list some key features that set you apart. In this busy online world, you have to make sure you stick out instead of blending in.
9. Social Proof
Social proof is a powerful indicator of trust. Include just a few of your best (short) quotes on the homepage, and link to case studies if applicable. Another great example of social proof are testimonials.
10. Supporting image
Most people are visual first. Make sure you have a picture or short video that showcases what it is that you offer.
We hope that our ideas and list of companies that are doing it well are good examples for you to use to grow your business.
We do believe that a website is the central nervous system of your online marketing strategy and when your website is functionally properly everything else will find its place.
As always, you can reach out to us by leaving a comment below and we would be more than happy to help with your specific need.
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