• Do what you're great at and delegate the rest - Hiring virtual assistants has been awesome. We’ve been able to focus on what we are good at and are able to delegate those tasks that are time-consuming or we just don’t enjoy.

  • Standardize your processes - Creating quality work is one thing but creating consistent quality work is another. Standards are crucial for a company that is growing rapidly. You won't be able to write a set of instructions for creating an award-winning design, but you could probably break down the steps for wireframing, creating design templates, content, etc. Find a way to streamline your workflow by creating a checklist for every function and role within your agency. Eventually, these workflows will evolve and your employees will find ways to make your processes easier.
  • Have goals and get everyone on board - We’ve had goals but never out in the open for everyone to see until we got a vision board. Our vision board reminds us of the things we need to accomplish this year in order to move our goals forward. Goals are ever changing so its important to revisit them often. Having your goals for everyone to see if a great way to get employees on board to achieve those goals.

  • Stay healthy - Working for yourself is hard and extremely stressful. You have to handle everything, especially when you’re starting out. Delegating helps a lot but there’s always that little voice in your head asking if you’re doing enough. It's super important to take care of yourself. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially, environmentally, etc. Make this part of your “company goals”.
  • Not EVERY client is a good one When you first start out, people walking up to you and offering you money sounds amazing, but sometimes it isn’t worth the headache. When you are in business long enough you start to realize who you enjoy working with and who you produce the best work for. Which means that sometimes you have to turn down business if it doesn’t align with your company and core competencies. It’s a short-term loss for a long-term gain.


What do you think about this episode? We’d love to hear from you! Share us your suggestions, comments or questions. And we’d love to include that on our next show.

Reach us on the links listed below.

Website: www.bitbranding.co

Facebook: www.facebook.com/bitbranding

Instagram: www.instagram.com/bitbranding

Hope y'all enjoyed this episode! We'll see you guys next week for another episode of The Marketing Natives!


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