The Future Of BitBranding And This Podcast


The only thing in life that is constant is change. The same can be said for us at BitBranding as we are changing things up. 

It’s been over 200 episodes and almost four years of podcasting to this point, but our goals and business have shifted. We now have a new approach to the way we want to serve our clients and y’all as our listeners. 

Don’t worry, this move is for the better and we promise to bring this podcast up 10x. 

For those of you who have been listening since day one, we cannot thank you enough. Even if you have only been listening for a few weeks, we truly appreciate you giving us your time. 

On today’s episode we’re going to be talking about these three key areas

  • The future of the The Marketing Natives (RIP)
  • How we plan to reformat our episodes, including guests and total episode length
  • And how we are going to completely dive into one area of business, niche down, and serve y’all way better than we ever did before. 

Consider this the turning point of the way BitBranding created podcasts. 

***That being said, bare with us as we make the full transition over the next few months***

As always, if you have questions or need clarification on anything, jump over to BitBranding on Instagram and shoot us a DM 

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