One Strategy Pet Sitters Can Use On Facebook To Generate Leads Automatically


The rage right now is messenger, but ironically we have been talking about messenger since 2016 and then if you remember in 2018 messenger blew up and now it is kind of a lull again.

We’re here to explain why messenger is important and why you should care.

Right now Facebook and Instagram are pushing messenger, which means your overall cost is going to be lower to reach people, but it also has over 1B people on it AND they own WhatsApp.

Think about it this way, a one-on-one messenger conversation with your ideal customer for a very small cost.

The Strategy:

For this pet sitter, we were targeting her location plus 10 miles and focused on those who had pet interests. This could be anything from petco, chewy, SPCA, etc. We wanted to target pet owners, give them an amazing deal, and then send traffic to messenger. A common mistake on Facebook is to run a messenger ad, but you want to run a traffic campaign to messenger. Our average cost per click is way below $1. We have automation set up through ManyChat that only notifies our client when there is an unique question or the pet owner is ready to make a buying decision.


What do you think about this episode? We’d love to hear from you! Share us your suggestions, comments or questions. And we’d love to include that on our next show. Reach us on the links listed below.




Hope y'all enjoyed this episode! We'll see you guys next week for another episode of The Marketing Natives!

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